Grandpa Cleve Erickson
Born: July 8, 1908
Died: November 29, 1973
Picture Taken: January 26, 1938
(My Grandparents Wedding Day)
This picture has much meaning to me. My grandpa is nearly 30 years old in this same age as I type these words. I only know my grandpa through the spiritual experiences I have with him and through the memories of those who know him from his life here.
I feel like I know him in a way that isn't easily communicated and is frequently not accepted well by others. Yet, I feel him still. Getting to know my grandpa over the last few ways I won't mention...has given me a better understanding of the life he lived, the family he created and the man I call father. This relationship is so special and sacred.
He is still an integral part of my family even as he soars with angels and in most minds...gambles the winnings of heavenly horse races (I know it's ironic) and farms the lands of harvest.
Just look at this man! Look at what he has created! He has created life, happiness, LAUGHTER, work ethic, knowledge, discipline! His legacy still is being created! He has two grandsons growing and thriving right this minute. Grandsons that will bear his name...ERICKSON!!!
I am so blessed to be his granddaughter. I am blessed to be open to his love, his laughter and his talents! I am blessed to be open to his forgiveness and knowledge of his role in many lives. I am blessed to know him!!!! I LOVE YOU GRANDPA!!!
The year 1908…
United States President: Theodore Roosevelt
United States Vice President: Charles W. Fairbanks
United State Population: 88,710,000
Cost of a first-class stamp: $0.02 (1908 dime is pictured)
Petroleum production starts in Middle East.
The University of Alberta is founded in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Mother's Day is observed for the first time
The Chicago Cubs win the World Series defeating Detroit (4-1)
The Montreal Wanderers win the Stanley Cup
The Kentucky Derby Champion is Stone Street
Glenwood and Fishlake Forests combined to form the Fishlake National Forest in Utah
Henry Ford develops the first Model T automobile, which sells for $850