Monday, June 20, 2011

Poll Results

Alright!  The poll results are in...and just for any of you that are wondering...all votes are anonymous.

The question was "What have you dreamt about?"
The options were: unicorns, piles of money, world peace and super powers.

I will tell you right now that my vote was unicorns AND super powers.  I'll explain later.

The results from the poll were
unicorns 3 votes
piles of money 2 votes
world peace 6 votes
super powers 9 votes

I hope that people were honest in voting and it's great that piles of money aren't the only thing people are dreaming about.  I love that super powers took the cake...I think it shows that people don't take themselves too seriously or that maybe someone is out there working on the science to create my favorite super powers!  World peace would be incredible and once again I hope we are all working on a way to create this daily.  The unicorn votes...well, please explain yourself if you were not watching the movie Legend recently.

As I mentioned my vote was unicorns AND super powers.  My dream about these happened together.  I actually had just watched Ron Burgundy-Anchorman.  There is a scene in the movie where unicorns are present...please see movie if you are over 17.  The super powers bit came from a conversation with my sister, Stacey and her constant teasing me about having gypsy powers.  Gypsy powers do include but are not limited to...seeing the future, contacting the deceased and an insatiable hunger for gummy bears.  The gummy bear part may be true...but the other two are not, please do not contact me for assistance or call the local authorities to have me committed. 

So, it's time for a new poll.  Please vote.  It'll give me something to talk about and if you have suggestions...please leave them can comment anonymously if you want.

Much love!

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